The Supreme Court Rapist – Part 2

Part 2: The Letter From the FBI.

[Editor’s Note-Jan. 15 2024: This is a copy of an unsigned letter that I received back from the FBI in response to the letter I wrote which is shown in part one of this series of web pages.

An original copy of the FBI letter (.pdf file) can be downloaded here.

	U.S. Department of Justice 
	Criminal Division
	Office of Administration 
	Washington, D.C. 20530 

	November 16, 2023 

Mr. Christopher Baba 
489 Hobnail Ct. 
Frederick, MD 21703 

Dear Mr. Baba: 

    Thank you for writing to the U.S. Department of Justice. We have been asked to respond to you. The Department of Justice cannot render private legal advice.
    Your complaint relates to the conduct of a federal judge. The authority of the Department of Justice to review matters involving the decisions and actions of federal judges is limited. Absent evidence of federal criminal conduct, we are unable to act, even though the conduct complained of may appear to be arbitrary, unfair, or even illegal.

    The complaint process is not intended to address complaints related to the merits of a case or a court's decision. Any person alleging that a judge of the United States has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts, or that such officer cannot discharge all the duties of the office because of physical or mental disability, may file a complaint with the clerk of the court of appeals for that circuit or applicable national court. The statute governing this complaint mechanism is set out at Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 351(a). Each circuit court of appeals web site has information about how to file a complaint in that circuit.
    You may also wish to obtain on your own the advice of a private attorney to determine what, if any, civil remedies are available to you. You should be aware that the law imposes strict time limits, known as statutes of limitation, within which lawsuits or causes of action must be asserted in court. If you wish to seek legal redress you should not delay in doing so. You can find additional information on legal services and attorneys in your state through the American Bar Association. Its website is

 	Again, thank you for writing the Department of Justice.

		Correspondence Management Staff
		Office of Administration

Reference Number: NM302023618
For further correspondence please email  Should you wish to speak to a representative please call (202) 353-4641 and provide the reference number.